
While doing Sport, we do something good for our health, be it a walk or a (bike) run. We are often not aware, that others are not able to do so.

Being insprired by Kurt Matzler’s Race across America in 2022 who biked from West to East coast in the USA in less than 12 days, it became clear to me that his even greater achievement was to collect 1.2 million EUR to erase Polio.

Following his example, I would like to invite you to connect sport with purpose and support the least privileged.

It’s not about competition – just track your activities for yourself (together with a planned amount) until the end of the year and afterwards voluntarily donate e.g. for the fight against Polio.

Nominimum amount, no minimum distances: Taking part is everything!

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Join the Fight Against Polio

Your support can make a significant impact in eradicating polio. By running or biking for charity, you can raise awareness and provide vaccinations, medical care, and rehabilitation for those affected by polio.

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